Busy for busy sake is no good. I think most people in our modern world are too darn busy. I know that this is just my opinion and that each person has to do what they have to do, but jeepers - life is not a competition to see how busy we can all be.
One thing I love about homeschooling is the freedom to set our own "busy". We are free to stay home in PJs all day, watch TV and play video games, and be lazy to our hearts content. And we do sometimes. But we are also very busy sometimes. It doesn't take much to fill up a day. A class here or there, a play-date with awesome friends, going outside, riding bikes to the library - a day can go by in a flash, weeks start blurring by on the busy train. Busy and Not-Busy both have the potential to feel great or awful. Here are some of my thoughts on the Best Kind of Busy:
This kind of busy is a luxury - I know not everyone can afford it. But maybe if more of us start making choices more consciously we can start shifting things for everyone. And of course we all need rest. But I find that I often don't do things that are best for me when I need rest. Instead of closing my eyes, connecting with my kids, reading a book, or meditating, I scroll through my Facebook feed mindlessly (yes, this happens a large proportion of the time.) And too many mothers push through their tiredness, always trying to get one more thing done instead of giving themselves - their bodies, their minds, their spirits - a much needed and deserved rest. So please take care of yourself. Make yourself a cup of tea, stretch or do some yoga, put a show on for your toddler and cuddle with them - then they won't even see when your eyes close for a few minutes! Go ahead and get your busy on - but only the Best kind. And then give yourself the gift of the Right kind of Rest. We will all benefit.
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Susan MayWife, mom, information and peace seeker. Categories
November 2023