Thanks for sending that article! I agree that people might be overreacting but there are a lot of unknowns and knowns that are making me take this virus seriously. Here are just a few things that I am thinking of at this moment. 1. I have heard a lot of people talking about long term problems after contracting the virus too and have a lot of thoughts about that. I follow a highly regarded herbalist who knows of many thousands of people having issues around the world post-Covid19. Just as I do not deny that people really are dying, I do not dismiss this concern and definitely believe that there are people suffering from long term health impacts. One thing that the herbalist said is that mainstream medicine is basically of no help to these people. Some doctors are even going so far as to tell patients that they are "fine" (STATS,blood work and tests look normal etc) and that their problems must therefore be in their heads.
This is not a new phenomenon. Lyme disease has also had a very controversial history in which mainstream doctors often deny that there is such a thing as "chronic Lyme", leaving thousands to try and figure our their treatments themselves. I realize that what I'm not saying may not appear reassuring at first glance. But that is not my point at all. My point is that we need a revolution in our paradigm of health. I was very scared of getting Lyme from ticks when we moved to Virginia. Now I am not as scared. Mostly, because I truly believe that the best thing we can do for our family is lead the healthiest lifestyle possible and that is our best defense. Americans are not generally healthy and we do not lead healthy lifestyles. From diet to sleep habits, to our levels of activity and spending time with family/outdoors we have a lot of work to do. I think that most people know this. And I haven't even mentioned our stress levels and how busy we are and how that contributes to our inability to make changes towards healthy living! We know that the large majority of people that struggle with recovering from this virus have health issues. We should all be focusing on our individual health. Interestingly, there has been a narrative that "you cannot boost your immune system" (go ahead and search the phrase, you will find whole articles about this topic.) At the same time there are studies showing that vitamin D, exercise, healthy diets etc all help mitigate the effects of Sars-CoV-2. So which is it? The government has consistently and persistently suppressed and censored doctors and treatments that are having powerful positive impacts on COVID19 patients. The narrative that there is "no treatment" continues to be drummed into the mainstream consciousness. That sounds scary, but is it true? I don't believe it is true at all. Vitamin C, the Marick protocol, hydrochcloroquine + zinc + zpac, all have been embraced by many doctors and doctors and patients are trying to spread the word themselves because the mainstream media is of no help. This is crucial for the people to begin to understand. It is corruption and evil so horrible that most of us don't want to begin to contemplate it. I am completely convinced of it though. The root, as always, is power and money. Vitamin C is so powerful and there are literally decades of research about it. Yet, in mainstream media it continues to be dismissed. Why? Cheap treatments and healthy people do not benefit big pharmaceutical companies, that's why. So what do I say about fear of long term health impacts? I say, we need to all do our best to lead healthy lives and that includes not letting stress and fear overwhelm our physical bodies. We need to be open minded and hearted and seek out treatments that we feel will help us. We need to DEMAND these treatments be available to ourselves and loved ones. I wonder - how many pf these "long haul patients" have received "alternative" treatments? Have they received ANY treatment at all? It seems that the mainstream allopathic message is - sorry, we can't help you. We have lost perspective - many viral illnesses can result in long term health problems. Read this great thread if you are still concerned about long term health impacts and to gain more perspective. 2. I don't know where you are hearing about overworked, stressed, exhausted doctors and nurses. In hard hit hospitals this was true early on, but across the nation? I haven't heard that. Also, what many people familiar with how hospitals operate keep reiterating is that hospitals are businesses that depend on beds being mostly filled, most of the time. This is not something to be alarmed about and in fact it is normal. To gain perspective on hospitals being overwhelmed, research how hospitals were impacted in recent years by the flu. They were overwhelmed. Italy's hardest hit hospitals are overrun every year. This is a local issue that they need to work on, but not a reason for a country wide, much less a global, lockdown. In contrast, consider the hundreds of empty hospitals, furloughed staff, and hospitals losing millions of dollars every week. 3. In an ideal world people who are most at risk would be protected and would therefore not need to go to work, I completely agree. What is very problematic is that in our myopic focus on this one issue - COVID19 - we have lost perspective on many other people and issues. I feel horrible for all the small businesses and restaurants who will never recover from this. I cannot imagine the stress that families are experiencing due to this lockdown and forced government closures. Stress, anxiety, depression, substance abuse, physical abuse and suicide are all on the rise. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands who have gone without necessary medical care either because they are too scared to seek it or because the appointments were deemed "nonessential". There are plenty of experts sounding the alarm that deaths from cancer and heart attacks are up due to our lockdowns. Yes, those of us who can work from home are extremely fortunate but what of those who have been forced to stay at home and want to work? Not to mention, all of these thing decrease our overall health and our susceptibility to all illness. Has there been a significant number of people working at grocery stores impacted? I have not heard of hundreds of people dying that are essential and must continue to work. Maybe this is something that I have missed. We know who the most vulnerable are - those above a certain age and with certain health conditions. Those are who we must focus our efforts on. 4. I agree that those who feel their best course of action is to stay home and wear masks should be allowed to do so. I have no problem with that. What I do have a problem with is top-down, government mandated restrictions. Masks is a whole 'nother can of worms that could take up another post. Here are some of my thoughts on masks: The science is NOT clear cut. Many scientists, doctors experts are saying that this has been a controversial topic for years in medical communities. Why? Because there are negative impacts to wearing a mask for some people and some of them are serious. Read this post for more information about masks that you most likely haven't heard. What if masks (especially improperly worn masks, which we all know most people are doing - touching, storing in purses/cars, re-wearing constantly etc.) are actually causing more harm than good? This is an important and valid question to consider. There are way too many stories of people being physically abused and discriminated against even when they have valid reasons for not wearing a mask. Masks should not be mandated because quite simply, we cannot handle mandates and also be compassionate human beings whom exercise commonsense and kindness. For many people masks are representative of the direction our country is heading in and how our natural rights are being stripped away every day. Next up is the COVID-19 vaccine and there is already plenty of buzz being created about mandating it. Even though more than half of Americans say they don't want one today, billions continues to be poured into the development of vaccine technology. Overall, this is about two very different philosophies of life: How people want to live, what risks they are willing to take and who gets to decide what risks are acceptable. Ideally, scientists and governments would provide information to the public and make recommendations. Then each individual and family would proceed based on their risk assessment and comfort level. The approach we've taken as a country is going to have repercussions for years and every time we focus on only the people suffering or dying from COVID19 without acknowledging the people who are suffering or dying from our response to it we do humanity a grave disservice.
Glossary Ascorbic Acid (AA) - Ascorbic Acid is Vitamin C Bowel Tolerance - This is the amount of Vitamin C that your body can absorb at a particular point in time. It is just below the level where you will flush. You know you’ve reached bowel tolerance when you are gassy, yay! Flush - When you take enough Vitamin C to have loose stools. There are health benefits to flushing - more on this below and how to flush. Step One: Obtain Vitamin C From Katie Gironda, owner of Revitalize Wellness: “When beginning this protocol it is necessary to buy ascorbic acid. Sodium ascorbate is ascorbic acid mixed with sodium bicarbonate to balance the PH of the powder. Sodium ascorbate is much easier on the stomach yet it is not absorbed as effectively as ascorbic acid. Sodium ascorbate is safe in smaller doses but not for bowel tolerance or flushing. Use caution with the amount of sodium that is being ingested. Vitamin c high doses will not deplete other nutrients. It will enhance the absorption and utilization of them and you may experience deficiency symptoms because your body needs more. Whole food C is not advisable at the doses sufficient to maintain optimal health. Ascorbic acid is made from glucose that is usually derived from corn. From all of the analysis sheets I have reviewed, not a trace of corn is ever present. But, for severe allergies can find tapioca or beet derived ascorbic acid. Some people experience tooth sensitivity with ASCORBIC acid. Ways to reduce this issue are, dilute ASCORBIC adequately, rinse with water, use capsules, use a straw, avoid consuming any food an hour after taking aa, and do not take any vitamin c supplements with sugar. Vitamin c detoxes and accelerates healing. Because of this there is an increased need for supporting nutrients like vitamin a and vitamin d. Brands we recommend: It is important that we recommend the highest quality brands. Revitalize Wellness, a brand that was born from this group includes: Extremely fine powder: Other trustworthy brands: Bulk Supplements Doctor’s Best Vitamin C Foundation Quali C” From Susan: We have found many pure ascorbic acid powders through Amazon. Here are a couple brands we’ve used: Pure Nutricost There are many, just be sure that whatever you order is food grade, pure ascorbic acid. **Note: Tablets of Vitamin C may be useful - Especially when beginning or in addition to powder. Tablets are not great for taking large amounts on a continual basis because of the additional ingredients. We found it is more difficult to reach bowel tolerance or flush with them too. The powder is sour in taste, but can be added to water/juice/smoothies etc. Or you can do it as a “shot” with a small amount of water like we do! You get used to it. ;-) Step 2: Take as much Vitamin C as YOUR body needs. Remember:
It takes time and experimenting to figure out your ideal dosage. The important thing is to take it consistently and keep learning! From Theo Farmer: “If you study the biochemistry of ascorbate (vitamin C) in living systems, then the general rule you discover is the higher level of ascorbate available, the healthier the system." In animals that produce it, some spend up to 30% of their energy producing vitamin C. The limitation is how much energy they can dedicate just to that, so they produce enough to keep them healthy, a little excess, but they can hit a limit and get sick. In humans, we don't use our internal energy to produce it (we do use some to recycle it), but we produce it in factories and the amount we take is limited only by our bowel tolerance. It's best to always push toward bowel tolerance.” In other words - it is ideal to shoot for bowel tolerance as often as possible! Practically speaking, for most of us that means we can usually be taking MORE. It takes time and practice to create this habit. QUICK GUIDE:
Remember - the amount of Vitamin C you need will vary. Sometimes you don’t feel “sick” but your tolerance goes way up and you can take a lot! That means your body needs it and is using it. Use your intuition! Another Guide from Katie Gironda: How to get started with C when NOT sick: 1. Acquire high-quality ascorbic acid in capsule, tablet or powder form. (See above for recommendations) 2. Day 1-3: take 1000 mg every 4 hours, getting in 4000 mg your first day. For some people, they may never need to exceed this dose, but for most, it will be a starting point 3. Day 4-7: take 2000 mg every 4 hours, getting in 8000 mg. 4. Day 8-11: take 3000 mg every 4 hours, getting in 12000 mg. 5. Day 12-14: take 4000 mg every 4 hours, getting in 16,000 mg *some people may need to start with 500 mg. * this is a suggested schedule only, your body may do fine ramping up faster or may need to go slower. *Please note that ¼ teaspoon of a pure power=1000 mg. there is nothing wrong with using capsules or tablets but powders have the least fillers. The goal of the above ramp-up is to find your bowel tolerance. This is the dose where you start to feel gas and rumbling, which occurs at the maximum point at which your body can absorb C orally. This is a gentle and simple way to get started with C and achieves the main goal, which is to get blood levels as high as possible, which is when healing can occur. Please master the above first before moving on to flushing with C, which is a powerful detox strategy and remedy for many GI complaints. Flushing for Advanced Vitamin C Connoisseurs: How to do a Vitamin C Flush When to do a flush: *When you suffer from digestive issues *After illness *When you are having less than one bowel movement per day *After giving birth *To flush out toxins Adult Flush Take 3-5 grams of ascorbic acid every 15 minutes until you experience rumbling or gas. Stop and wait or slow down. Sometimes if you continue on you will experience prolonged flushing. This will deplete nutrients and is not recommended. Keep track of the total dose amount that causes a flush. Subtract 10% from that dose and divide that amount up throughout every day. Over time the dose will go down as the body detoxes and heals. Flushing is quick watery or loose stools. Not prolonged diarrhea. After the loose bowels stop, continue taking 1-2 grams every hour for the rest of the day. Child Flush Children can benefit from a flush as well. Use 1-3 grams of ascorbic acid every 15-30 minutes. When they begin complaining of stomach upset slow down. Lower the dose to 1 gram every 15 minutes until loose stools occur. Keep track of the total dose amount that causes a flush. Subtract 10% from that dose and divide that amount up throughout every day. Over time the dose will go down as the body detoxes and heals. Flushing is quick watery or loose stools. Not prolonged diarrhea. After the loose bowels ease up, continue taking 1 gram every hour for the rest of the day. Pregnant women and babies are not recommended to do the flush. 2-4 ounces of water is enough for one teaspoon of ascorbic acid. Stay hydrated but don’t overdo it or the bloating will be worse. Coconut water, sole, or other sources of minerals is a good drink to use. Things that may help a flush move along easily: *Not eating beforehand *Juicing and other sources of fiber *Coconut oil melted in warm water *Sometimes a light meal towards the end of a flush will push it along |
Susan MayWife, mom, information and peace seeker. Categories
November 2023