You want to learn more about the Power of Vitamin C? You're in the right place! Click on any image below, this is your hub for Vitamin C information:
Click on the image to get your free Vitamin C Get Started Guide. Everything you need to know is here!
Click here to join over 90K others in learning about how Vitamin C and other vitamins can maximize your health (Orthomolecular Medicine)
For the hardcore researcher, this is the best place for all things Vitamin C and Orthomolecular!
Click on the picture to buy your Vitamin C T-shirt!
Click on the image to buy Theo Farmer's book, "Buttercup, Me & Vitamin C".
Click on the image to shop Revitalize Wellness, one of our favorite places to get Vitamin C and other vitamins!
The Vitamin C challenge is over for now, but you can still check it out and get on my email list so you get updates for upcoming courses and challenges!
RiseUP with Susan May is all about each of us living our best lives and Unplugging Peacefully. But what does Vitamin C have to do with “Unplugging”? Everything! Last year when COVID-19 started to hit the media, my family was curious. We had a lot of questions. But we never felt scared. Why? I think one of the biggest factors was our use of high dose Vitamin C.
You see, we had already been taking high doses of Vitamin C for 4 years by 2020. We had used it through many minor illnesses and a couple of more serious flu-like illnesses. Not only that, but I was connected to a network of alternative care professionals and lay people who were knowledgeable about treating viruses effectively.
It is my sincere and informed opinion that if the majority of our population knew about the power of Vitamin C, 2020 would have unfolded much differently. The media’s powerful influence - which is exerted through fear and repetition - would have been minimized. Because knowledge empowers people and dissolves fear. In addition to the lives that would have been saved because of this Vitamin C knowledge, questions would have been asked, healthy debate would have flourished, and people would have been free to make risk/reward analyses that made sense for their families. In essence, Vitamin C diminishes our collective dependence on mainstream medicine AND media - aka: Vitamin C helps us unplug. I am so glad that you are interested in learning more about the power of Vitamin C! It is life changing. You can feel good, knowing that not only are you becoming healthier, but by becoming informed and taking charge or your health, you are also making the world a better place for everyone. Vitamin C really is a Super Power! And once we feel empowered in one area of our lives, we free up energy that spreads to other areas of our lives. Cheers to learning new things and supporting one another on each of our unique journeys!