Lately I've been printing out and taping up little things to inspire and remind me of what's important in my life. Like the one above - I actually just did that one last night but have been thinking about it for months. This exact line is in my Hypnobabies curriculum for class #6. It's my favorite line in the whole huge book. It's the kind of simple statement that is probably almost universally agreed with (notice I am avoiding the word, "always" - I try hard to avoid that one and "never" too. BUT if someone ever actually admitted that they thought Things were more important than People, then personally I think they need some help!) BUT often our actions don't line up with the belief. Parents definitely deal with this daily, as they try to meet the needs of their kids - the most important people in their lives - and taking care of their homes - things. I posted this above our couch, which is a great place in our house because the couch is often a point of stress (think: little kids, food, nice couch... you get the picture!) I've noticed when Marisol gets frustrated or angry she often lets out a loud yell/grunt type noise - "ahhhhuggghhhh!" And I hear... myself. oops. It usually seems better than the many alternatives (like what? hitting, stomping, throwing things, yelling direct, mean words at another person etc.) but when I hear her, it is obvious that it is not the best option. I try to model taking deep breaths and want to do that more! I know that my ideals are quite high and appreciate this quote, "Ideals are stars to aim for, not sticks to beat yourself up with" ~ from our friend, Giuditta Tornetta, of Joy in Birthing (Also posted on the Hypnobabies facebook page - have I mentioned that I love Hypnobabies and the women involved with it?? :-) So embracing peaceful ways includes being forgiving of ourselves (because although my own mother may find this shocking, I am not perfect) - not beating ourselves up, but still recognizing where we can make improvements. For my peace lovin' idealistic self, once again my daughter is my mirror and teacher. Often I need to stop and think, or even more likely STOP THINKING, and appreciate and enjoy my life, my family, and all of our blessings RIGHT NOW. These little reminders around the house help me remember what stars I am shooting for (most of the time!) ![]() This in our dining/computer room - the center of our home. My friend aptly pointed out that if he followed this rule he might not be talking much. Which I think is probably true and ok! This is a huge one and not easy to do. I'm finding more and more how much saying or doing absolutely nothing is often a great choice. It's called being still or waiting. It's not valued enough in our action packed, fast paced culture and may not come naturally to many, but it is POWERFUL. I feel another blog post coming on ;-) ![]() I love this beautiful quote. Unfortunately I don't have the author - I got it off a blog somewhere in cyberspace. ![]() I put it right behind my coffee maker so I get this reminder every morning. ![]() This is from a letter from Naomi Aldort. The quote at the beginning sums up the main message. She is awesome. ![]() I loved the whole letter so much that I printed it out - two whole pages - and posted it above our desk. ![]() May the "YOJ" of the season fill your home in these final 3 days before Christmas, and every day thereafter. (Can you guess who put up our stocking holders? :-) Do you have any favorite quotes or inspiration that help keep you on your path?
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Susan MayWife, mom, information and peace seeker. Categories
November 2023