I'm going to start this post with some "puzzle pieces" that I think you will find interesting and informative. The first three are of Flash Mobs that just happened this past Saturday - September 28, 2019. I am so inspired by these people standing up for what they believe in and ALL of our rights! I considered going to the Virginia Beach event and participating but the timing is not right for our family just yet. So I did the next best things by supporting their efforts financially and now - sharing. There were two other flash mob/educational events happening in Tampa and Atlanta the same day - that is so awesome! Way to go East Coast! Click on each event below for video of each event. Virginia Beach Flash Mob! Follow Yvette here - she is an amazing advoate for Virginians! Tampa, Florida Flash Mob Atlanta, Georgia Flash Mob Pictures from the Atlanta Flash Mod - I love how creative they were! Of course these were all inspired by the west coast activist Joshua Coleman. Here are some videos of two flash mobs he organized in California and a speech he gave about his vision: V is for Vaccine. I have been following what is happening around the country. In NYS this week there was a injunction hearing in Bath, NY (Steuben County). It is so amazing to see how many people are showing up to fight for our freedoms. Here are some links to check out what happened yesterday: Religious Freedom For NY - look at these amazing photos of so many beautiful people! Facebook Live with Rita Palma Two articles I thought were very interesting and worthwhile are linked here: The Doctor Who Beat The British General Medical Council By Proving That Vaccines Aren’t Necessary To Achieve Health <- I love reading stories from medical doctors. I think this one will blow your mind! Why do people get the flu after getting the flu shot? <- so many links in this article! And now some random ramblings. Every day I think about this issue. I compose several posts and or blogs in my mind. Of course, I don't have time to hash everything out! I know that I just have to continue to share in any way I am able.
I hope that what some people will see from checking these links out is that: 1) This movement is large and growing every day. Just because we are a minority (small percentage of the population), that does not mean we are insignificant. We are many and you probably know someone who is "antivax". The hatred and anger that is often expressed towards those in this movement is the result of propaganda and fear mongering. It is not based on truth, love or science. Many are silent still because they are scared. It would be wise to replace any anger, fear, or hate in your heart with curiosity and love. You may be hating someone you actually love. 2) You cannot count on "mainstream" media if you want information about this WORLDWIDE movement. You need to seek the information out for yourself. I think that what I am most disappointed about when I think about this issue is the lack of compassion and curiosity. I hope that both of these continue to spread and quickly. Things are moving in a dangerous and scary direction and we all have to do our part to change that. But I am also encouraged by the love and support from the people who matter most in my life. I have a lot of hope because there are many people who are reaching out via private message, who are sharing their stories, and people who express a desire to learn more. I hope you will start picking up the puzzle pieces with me today and inspect them closely!
Susan MayWife, mom, information and peace seeker. Categories
November 2023