These are the number of deaths reported to VAERS after vaccination every year. I did the same exact search 2 weeks ago and today and the Y-axis has jumped up by 800 - so approximately 800 new reports of death in that short time. Questions I have: 1) If the CDC just denies that any of these deaths were caused by vaccines, then why even collect the data? 2) How many deaths are “too many”? What other drug on earth would continue to be administered with a track record like this? When will we stop the madness? (Not to mention that drugs are given to SICK people in an attempt to heal while these vaccines are being given to everyone regardless of their health to supposedly prevent illness/death) ⬆️I guess that was a 3 for 1 question! 🤪⬆️ 3) Has our reporting system- VAERS -been improved at all since Harvard found in 2011 that less than 1% of vaccine reactions were being captured? 4) Perhaps most importantly - if VAERS has not been improved, how many deaths and severe reactions are not being officially recorded?
It is very likely that the numbers we see in VAERS are just the tip of the iceberg. This should frighten all of us.
Dear Governor DeSantis, My family moved to Florida in January 2021. We moved to be close to family and to escape predictions of an oppressive "Dark Winter" in favor of warmth and sunshine. We also moved to Florida because we liked how you have led the state over the past year. In the months since, we have continued to be impressed with your intelligence, fairness and fearlessness. This morning I watched your second round table discussion with Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Dr. Martin Kulldorff and Dr. Scott Atlas. This letter is also directed to these scientists. I am in agreement with almost everything that was said at today's round table discussion. The censorship that is occurring daily is extremely troubling; and, as a parent it leaves me very worried about our children's future. It really does seem that we are entering a new dark age, if we haven't already arrived. I am incredibly grateful to you and Doctors Battacharya, Kulldorf, Atlas and Professor Sunetra Gupta (from the first round table) for speaking up. I especially loved Dr. Battacharya's answer to the question about his credentials - he believes we should be focusing on the value of the ideas/data/information presented, not on the credentials of the person presenting them. I couldn't agree more. The dismay expressed by all of you is well founded. Any shock, however, is not. The censorship, suppression, lack of dialogue and cover up that you all denounced today is not new to this past year: It has been going on for decades, if not longer. The same slander and hostility faced by the brave scientists in your round tables, has been ruthlessly aimed at all individuals who ask any questions about vaccines. This has gone on for as long as vaccines have existed, and regardless of how reasonable the questions are. The most familiar example in the recent past is Dr. Andy Wakefield. All of these scientists are now being "Wakefielded" and it is an ugly, brutal experience. I am in full agreement with you, Governor DeSantis, that vaccine passports are unacceptable. However, I found it perplexing to hear scientists speak about open dialogue being the only path to scientific progress in one breath and in the next express a simplistic view of how amazing and wonderful these new vaccines are. I can’t help but find this extremely ironic, considering the history of the vaccine (non)debate. Are you prepared to extend this same philosophy of open dialogue to the issue of vaccines? While it is their right to have a positive opinion of the experimental COVID vaccines, I personally find the high level of confidence expressed by Dr. Kullforff and Dr. Battacharya misplaced. A quick look at the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) demonstrates that deaths reported post vaccination have skyrocketed since the start of this vaccine campaign in December (see attached photos below). The media and big tech corporations are doing their best to deny, cover up and ignore all serious vaccine reactions and death. I know that the large majority of our population wants the vaccines; therefore, to stick one's neck out and question whether they are truly as "safe and effective" as we have been led to believe is political/career suicide. I am extremely heartened by the stance you've taken about vaccine passports and appreciate that may be as far as you can go. But I believe that if we do not recognize that the current state of our country is in large part due to years of censorship, propaganda and a lack of open dialogue with regards to our vaccine program, the problems will persist. An article titled, "Five Reasons to Reframe the Vaccine Passport Issue" on the Ron Paul Institute's website laid it out very well: "We will advance our cause by adopting a “one story” approach and by accurately framing that story as one of incrementally increasing tyranny, permeated with scientific misrepresentations about the risks of infectious diseases and the relative risks and benefits of vaccines. As indicated above, the story of COVID-19 tyranny is part of a larger story and is best characterized as such." I have read and researched extensively on the vaccine issue for years before COVID-19. Last Spring when lockdowns began I couldn’t help notice the similarities in the public conversations surrounding these two topics - or more accurately, the lack of transparent, high quality public dialogue that occurs. Over time I came to the same conclusion the above author did - the COVID-19 event is not simply paralleling the vaccine debate, it is a direct extension and continuation of the vaccine issue and all that it encompasses. We will not be able to fully solve the problems you are so concerned with, without addressing the roots of the problems that have been metaphorically buried underground for so long. I am happy to continue this conversation and provide evidence for how I have come to these conclusions with you and any individuals whom are open to engaging respectfully on this topic. I'd like to end by thanking you, from the bottom of my heart, for your bravery in standing out from the crowd and for your dedication to finding the truth to guide you. There is no doubt that your leadership is inspiring many Americans to be brave, speak up and act in accordance with the values that matter most to them, whether that be truth, freedom, or the pursuit of happiness. I myself, feel more hopeful for the future knowing that you are leading Florida in such an admirable way, and hope that many more states, and countries worldwide, will follow your example. Sincerely, Susan May I have been struggling this week with something. Actually, I've been struggling with it for a while. And I know that I'm not the only one - I know many people are struggling with this very same issue.
This past year I have wanted to be a person who builds bridges between myself and others. I think it is the most important thing we can do at this time. Our society just keeps becoming more and more divided, and we all see it. But are we willing to do the work to heal the divide? Can we build bridges between ourselves and others with different perspectives? My last post was about self-censorship. It seems to me that it is going to be very difficult to build strong bridges if people won't even speak truthfully about their own feelings and beliefs. My struggle is very personal. I've tried to open tough conversations with some people I love and it didn't go well. One person has cut me off, so there isn't much I can do about that other than process the normal feelings of grief - anger, hurt, and sadness - that come with the death of a relationship. As much as I want to talk things out, you cannot force someone to talk with you without becoming a stalker! So respect the boundary, I must. <- Thank you Yoda. The other people have not cut me off. We are still in contact and things are civil. But things have changed for me. As I see the propaganda being pushed for vaccine passports, it is impossible not to have a feeling of dread. It is impossible not to think about what many people believe about "people like me". It's really hard letting relationships go. Even if you aren't completely cut off from someone, some things inevitably change the relationship. I felt the need to do something. But because my preferred method of resolving differences has been shut down - namely, communicate the crap out of things - it was difficult to know what to do. Do I become a bridge burner? Do I completely cut the relationship off myself in an attempt to protect myself and my family? I needed some relief. I finally found a solution. I don't have to burn bridges. But I don't have to actively maintain the bridge either. I can "let it go." If it rots, it rots. If railings fall off, that's ok. Planks need replacing? Not my job. This analogy has been really helpful for me. I don't have to completely burn the bridge to find peace and focus on what's important. I can leave the bridge there, and maybe someday my loved ones will be ready to work together with me to repair the bridge. I look forward to that day. What does this mean practically speaking? It means that I don't put a whole lot of effort in and I don't expect anything. I am free to put my energy where I really need to put it. I can say no more easily to superficial contact if there are other more important things I need to tend to. But if I want to engage in that way, that's ok too. It means I can be flexible in how I interact. The truth is, I don’t want to invest much in relationships where I can’t be myself and I feel like conversations about topics that are most important to me aren’t welcome. I hope that this imagery may help some of you struggling with similar relationship dynamics. I know it has helped me find more peace this week. How have your relationships been impacted this past year? What has helped you navigate difficult relationship dynamics? |
Susan MayWife, mom, information and peace seeker. Categories
November 2023