The HPV vaccine is a relatively new addition to the schedule for teens and preteens that is advertised as helping to prevent cervical cancer. Many parents have been hesitant about this vaccine. I was watching a video of RFK Jr in Connecticut this past March and I learned that the safety study for Gardisil (the HPV vaccine available in the United States) had some serious flaws. You can watch that video here. We learn in middle school that the best scientific studies are done when we compare an experimental group with a control group. Yet in the safety study of Gardasil they did a couple of questionable things. First, they did have a true placebo group with a saline shot (which is not the case with almost all other vaccines.) However the control group was much smaller than the other two groups. The experimental group receiving the vaccine had 5088 subjects. The saline group had a mere 320 subjects. Obviously this is not a good design, as control is very small and the statistical power is seriously diminished in this case. However, there was a third group called the AAHS control which stands for: Amorphous Aluminum Hydroxyphosphate Sulfate. These subjects received a shot that did not have HPV but did have a strong aluminum adjuvant. You can see in the chart below that when they looked at the more serious possible reactions they put the AAHS group together with the Saline group. Then when the rates of the conditions were similar that concluded that the vaccine was safe. What were the rates in the true placebo group? We don't know. We only know that the vaccine group and the aluminum group have similar rates. This is a huge problem because it could be the aluminum in the vaccine that is causing some or many of the reactions. You can find this study and look for yourself here: Another great read is JB Handley's book: How to End the Autism Epidemic. Chapter 4 goes through a deposition of Dr. Stanley Plotkin, a key figure in the history of vaccine development. On p 112 of this book Handley summarizes an exchange regarding this Gardisil data. Mr Siri is the lawyer deposing Dr. Plotkin, a passage from the book: Overall, the Gardisil trial showed that 2.3 percent of the women who received either the vaccine or the combined aluminum/saline developed a systemic autoimmune condition within six months. Mr. Siri explained to Dr. Plotkin, and got him to confirm, that the saline group, had it been reported separately, actually had an adverse event rate of zero. "And then if we had a third column that was just the saline placebo, it would show 0 percent?... Wouldn't that have been a significant finding to report?" If you go to Merk's website you can see that the most current form of the vaccine, Gardasil 9, was compared for safety only to the previous version of the vaccine, there is NO placebo control. From the website:
"Study Design: Safety of GARDASIL 9 was evaluated in 7 clinical studies that included 15,703 individuals who received at least 1 dose of GARDASIL 9 and 7,378 individuals who received at least 1 dose of GARDASIL as a control; both groups had safety follow-up. The vaccines were administered on the day of enrollment and the subsequent doses administered approximately 2 and 6 months thereafter. Safety was evaluated using vaccination report card (VRC)–aided surveillance for 14 days after each injection of GARDASIL 9 or GARDASIL. Injection-site reactions (pain, swelling, and erythema) and oral temperature were solicited using VRC-aided surveillance for 5 days after each injection of GARDASIL 9 during the clinical studies. bPost any dose." There are many heartbreaking stories of vaccine injury and death following the HPV vaccine. However, they do not make mainstream headlines. You have to dig for yourself. Elijah Eugene Mendoza-Bunch is spreading the word of the death of his son last summer, following vaccination for HPV. You can watch many families share their stories of injury from this vaccine here. Parents and children are able to opt out of this vaccine (and all vaccines!) but there has been a push in many states to pass laws making the HPV mandatory for school. Some parents may feel like this vaccine is not relevant to the larger discussion surrounding vaccines. I've had friends and parents tell me that they are generally pro-vaccine but have concerns about this vaccine. This is exactly why the decision to vaccinate must not be taken out of parents hands. Mandates and regulations are a slippery slope and new vaccines are always being developed: how about a vaccine against the common cold?!? If you want to maintain your rights to choose medical treatments that are right for you and your family, the time to stand up is now! Get informed, spread the word, and let your legislators know that vaccine mandates are unconstitutional and immoral.
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Susan MayWife, mom, information and peace seeker. Categories
November 2023