Sunday morning I felt anxious, nauseous and panicky, and I was having a hard time focusing on anything. One thing good about nervous energy is using it to do stuff - like dishes, laundry etc. But it isn't so great for being present OR joyful, as your mind races around in circles. I revisited my post from Friday and thought about my timing - I chose Good Friday and Easter weekend to reveal that I can't think of my children or myself as sinners anymore. Good Friday - the day Jesus died for our sins. Oh the irony. I really didn't plan it that way it all - it just happened. So I definitely felt more than a little bit hypocritical today as my kiddos looked for their Easter baskets and indulged in chocolate. I felt like I had jumped out of a plane. I thought that my parachute was in good working order, but today I was feeling the need for my backup. It is so easy to get paranoid after you lay your soul out for people to see. Especially when you get very little feedback. Our minds quickly jump to what we "know" others must be thinking about us. This is what I was doing. So, what helped me re-center myself was a few things. First lying down with Gerry during his nap and putting a guided meditation on. That helped a lot, my mind relaxed and I woke up rested. Then the rest of the day I spent with my kids and husband, mostly outside. It was wonderful. And just like that I am back in a better space and all the things I was telling my panicked self this morning, I can see are true. (Namely, I can only be true to myself and control my actions/reactions. I cannot control how other people react, nor can I "know" what other people are thinking. As of yet I still don't have any supernatural ESP powers, or anything like that.) So, I need to talk more about insecurity and inspiration. I'm going to level with you all. I think that this space will be more inspiring for me and readers if it is more interactive. Even though I have not been getting a lot of comments, I know there are people reading. No, once again I'm not psychic - Let me show you how I know: Pretty cool, huh? I really like weebly! If you want to start a blog yourself, I think it's a pretty good way to go. Anyways, part of me wonders if my friends are just too nice to comment. They *may* be thinking, "Wow, Susan has *really* lost her marbles! But you know, she is nice and I don't want to hurt her feelings so I'll just read and not comment." Or maybe most of what I'm posting is just really not that interesting or thought provoking to people, in which case I don't blame you. If I'm not stirring anything in you I don't expect a comment. And part of me also wonders if I really am ready or want comments - I mean do I have tough enough skin? Ideally, even if you don't agree with me you could post a comment in a respectful manner and we could actually have some interesting (possibly inspiring!) dialog. I remember way back when I started my first blog my good friend Kimmy (are you reading right now??) told me that it was a faux pas for people to read and NOT comment. I now realize that really most people don't ever comment - I know that I read blogs way more than I comment.
Anyways, readers I know that you are out there! I would love to write more about what you are interested in and maybe get more interaction. But either way I'm still feeling good about writing. It's fun. I've been thinking about inspiration and how to keep it going lately. I've realized that inspiration and most things in life are just like exercising our bodies. We have to actively do things to keep inspiration flowing. Just like I can't expect to show up at a 10K race and run if I haven't been working out, I can't expect my creativity to just turn on if I haven't been using it. One practice that helps me is to read other inspiring, thought-provoking writers. I'm also finding a better balance in my life and tuning into things that I need to feel good. I have a new idea that there are 3 things right now that really feed me - writing, meditation, and exercise. I feel like if I can do at least 2 of these every day and regularly do all 3 I am taking care of myself mentally, physically, and spiritually. (I haven't really gotten on the exercise part yet, but I will get there, I know it!) It's quite amazing to me how since I've been writing and meditating how much more present I've been with my family and just so... happy. I don't feel like I'm constantly fighting what my needs are versus my kids' needs. But every once in a while, I feel like - oh man, maybe I'm going to run out of things to write about. But usually when I feel like that it is because I'm needing something else - namely food or rest. Once things get back in balance, the ideas and inspiration flow again. So I think to keep inspiration flowing one needs to taking care of oneself, actively seek inspiration, and also take time away - to get out into the world and most importantly, be with the people who matter most to you. It hasn't escaped my attention either that the most feedback I've gotten has been about pictures and periods (oh and being a feedback junkie, ha!) I do feel a bit like I'm getting lost in a lot of philosophical ramblings and that maybe it would be good to mix it up with some more actual experiences I've had. So far I've kind of been writing about whatever is on my mind at the time, because that is the easiest (especially when your baby doesn't go to sleep till midnight!) But I have quite a few ideas and even some posts started. Things that I definitely will touch on sometimes in the future: any and all things (attachment) parenting - from sleeping and breastfeeding, to food and poop (ah, who doesn't want to read about that!), natural birth, more on unschooling and what I see happening every day with my kids, what does "balance" mean to me, and how the heck did I get here... So peeps, if you are curious about any of the above or anything else I have written about in the past, let me know and I will write about it sooner rather than later! (This is as close as I'm going to get to begging for comments... at least I know I'm in good company, I've read plenty of bloggers having similar sentiments!) Otherwise, I will just continue to obsess over my graph and write whatever fancies me at the moment. I hope you get your inspiration flow on this week! You deserve it ;-)
4/8/2012 11:56:59 am
my reasons for not commenting.. a. i worry that the way i write it may not be the way i am thinking it or it may be interpreted the wrong way... being a photog. its easier to talk in "pictures". also some of our "subjects" we have in common take lengthy discussion and background to get to a point.. i am going to throw my bad spelling and crazy thinking out the window and comment my heart away... i am going to comment whatever comes to me first.. i wonder if this makes sense?!
4/8/2012 11:59:23 am
.. and on that note. i admire the time you have to dig so deep in thought and get your point across so well. can you share some of that "thinking" time with me?
... I don't really have "time" so to speak. My mind is pretty much going all the time. *I* admire people who have the ability to be in the moment, not over-analyze things, and go with their intuition. There is value to both of course! So I'm working on *not thinking*. When do I think? When I do the dishes, when I play with the kids, before I go to sleep, when I'm outside on the playground... you get the idea ;-) Also, don't forget that my kids are (relatively) older than yours and I've just recently begun to feel more alert and "with it". I'm positive that if I had another baby I would regress! haha
4/8/2012 03:23:52 pm
Quite often I have time to read... But not to respond! It's annoying (i know) to write and not have comments. But just know, that it doesn't mean I don't want to read!!!!! Inlove hearing your thoughts, views and opinions. They usually open up a new way of thinking for me, or validate a similar idea I've had! So PLEASE.... write on!!!!!
Kate, thank you so much for your kind words, encouragement, and commiseration (is that a word??) - I know in my heart to do this for myself and not worry about comments and all that, and I know that people are reading and getting out of what I write what is perfect for them. But comments are fun! haha. I also am someone who reads tons of blogs and I don't comment all that often, so I know how that goes. So I'll only beg for comments every once in a while, ;-)
4/8/2012 07:38:18 pm
I usually don't comment on any blogs that I read, mostly because I'm on my ipad, and it's a pain to do so. You had said something in an email to me about why you didn't want to comment on a FB didn't feel like getting into a debate. Well, that's probably why I don't comment either. I find your blog very interesting and well written, but honestly, I don't agree with a lot of things you write about. But I'm interested in reading about them. Weird? Maybe. And don't get me wrong, there are many things you write about that spark something in me, or make me think. And that's the point of writing, right? To make others think. Keep it up. And I'll try to comment more, even if sparks a debate. :-)
4/8/2012 08:28:27 pm
Look at the comments you're getting this time! Usually I don't want to take the time, or am just too lazy to think of a "good" response. But I always love reading what you write. It's always well written and well thought out. Friday's blog didn't show up in my stream... I have to read that now, and don't worry, I know I'll agree with it!
4/8/2012 11:13:42 pm
Wow, the graph is really cool! Readers in the 100's already-THAT is crazy! I don't comment much b/c I need a LONG time to formulate my a LIFETIME, haha! I will always love you and admire you no matter how far out there you get!
Mom! I knew you would appreciate the graph! haha, what dorks we are! As for taking a long time to formulate a philosophy, I don't think we are ever "finished". My philosophy seems to be Peace and Love and how to act in accordance with that. What a hippy I am turning out to be ;-) btw, *I'm* not the one who is "out there" - I'm the normal one! Everyone else is crazy. haha. I love you so much - thanks for always listening to me. You know, it would be kind of redundant for you to comment here since you practically know every thought that passes through my mind already.
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Susan MayWife, mom, information and peace seeker. Categories
November 2023