In the past I've picked a word, identified my core desire feelings, and even committed to doing 13 things a month (what the heck! I was motivated that year... Also, yeah - No, I don't think it lasted!) The past two years I've been a bit more chill. I've picked words and reflected on things but I'm not all, "ON FIRE!" This year I have a couple of things in mind to guide me into 2015. The word that I've chosen (or more accurately, the word that has chosen me...) is Breathe. I'm focusing on my breath this year. Every day. And especially in the harder moments. Just breathing. And being. And waiting. Knowing that each moment will always pass and new ones will come. I've been thinking a lot about Change lately. I believe we NEED change. Without change in our lives we stagnate. Yet we also resist change. We think we hate change and that we don't want it. But I know that sometimes I feel most alive and happy and whole when I'm reveling in some new change in my life. So I'm going to focus on consciously creating changes in my life that make me and my loved ones feel good. I have been getting newsletters from Parallax Press since I downloaded a free book from Thich Nhat Hanh and here is a bit from it that includes a quote from him: “There can’t be a new year if there isn’t also a new you.” If we do not have the intention to water the seeds of transformation within us, he elaborated, the so-called new year will continue to be very much like the old, not only for us, but also the world. Wow. I continue to be astounded by the synchronicities that life offers when we are open to seeing them. It is amazing. But although I believe we need change I also believe we need to be patient and loving with ourselves and others always. I've seen how change in myself doesn't often happen overnight but instead over long stretches of time. So I'm not focusing on huge, grand, sweeping change - I'm focusing on taking Baby Steps. I found Core Desire Feelings (ala Danielle LaPorte) to be really helpful - when we know how we want to feel we often make better choices to help us achieve those feelings. I've picked 3 feelings to focus on and they are: Engaged, Energized, and Effective. (I think that 3 is a powerful number of words. And I like alliteration. It is one of those dorky things about me that I embrace.) Finally, while I was walking Yoshi right around the New Year I was thinking about resolutions and how I don't really like the idea of them. But one resolution jumped into my head and that was: I resolve not to get depressed this winter. I've noticed the past few years that I often get in the rut after the holidays, and even when I know it's happening it's still difficult to get out of. I told my mom that I was optimistic about being able to keep this resolution; but, within 48 hours of making it, I was challenged. (Isn't that the way of it?? I think this is why resolutions seem to futile sometimes! But then again, perhaps that is also the point. If it was easy, we wouldn't need to make the resolution in the first place.) I've felt quite angry and sad already this year. But my resolution is helping. I'm making choices that are keeping me focused on what is important and I'm not staying down long. So far the biggest change I've made is taking a break from a Facebook. It's been a week and I can honestly say it has been wonderful. In a way I did it "cold turkey" - but in a way I had been building up to it (Baby steps!) by taking small breaks and posting/scrolling less. I feel more engaged with my family, more energized to take on more throughout the day, and effective at making change in myself and around me. I have a lot more time to fill now that I'm not on Facebook. So I've decided to learn to play guitar again. (Actually this is one reason I decided to take a break - I've been thinking about doing this for a while, but just wasn't DOING it. I needed to clear out some time.) I started once before Marisol was born, but then got sidetracked. So far my strategy is to watch some Youtube videos, pick out some tunes - which is fun and helping me build up some calluses on my fingers, and practice a bit each day. My goal is to be able to play some of my favorite songs so I can sing along. Here are some videos of my baby steps in learning guitar for your viewing pleasure. Happy New Year!! I hope that you have found some ideas, words, and inspiration for your 2015. It's going to be a great year - I know because 15 is my favorite number.
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Susan MayWife, mom, information and peace seeker. Categories
November 2023